22/02/2024 — LCB online vooo-space

FIXDIT goes international

Over the last years, the female writers’ collective Fixdit has been trying to ‘fix’ gender-inequality and sexism in the literary world. Starting from our shared knowledge, we tried to map the gender gap and figure out how we could ‘fix’ the ongoing underrepresentation of writing women by spotlighting female authors from the past and present in schools, bookshops and the media. We wrote articles, made podcasts and published a manifesto: Optimistic Anger.
In ’24 we are ready for the next step: internationalisation. We want to widen our view and broaden our connections. During this virtual meet-up with female colleagues from all over the world, we want to start mapping literary gender issues globally. Based on the experiences that all of you bring to the table, we want to explore what an international version of our Manifesto could look like and strengthen links and alliances between female writers worldwide, so that we can share knowledge and support each other’s work — setting up a community of female writers to amplify the polyphony of our voices.
Note: the event is open to the general public. Readers, booksellers, publishers and programmers who support the work of female writers or are interested in it are very welcome to join the debate.